In the May addict kit this month Lynn has included a super cool new product called Rub-onz. by Grafix. Basically it’s a new product that lets you create your own rubons. They can be used three different ways: printing a design, using rubber stamps and ink, or drawing freehand right on the surface.
A few things about the product: when you are ready to print make sure you are printing on the right side. The manuf. instructions says to use the rough side . . . well it’s not so much rough as it is more of a matte surface that absorbs the ink. Also these are not like a typical rubon, it’s more like a sticker with a clear backing – if that makes sense.
I had a lot of fun playing in photoshop and creating all kinds of different rubons. I created a whole sheet and then printed them all out. Some of the elements are brushes and others (stitching) are digital elements.

A tip about the brushes: to create the straight even lines of circles and squares you need to 1) set your spacing in the brush menu to either 100% (keeps the circles right next to each other) or about 130% to get the spaces in between the circles. 2) as you click and drag your brush across your document hold down the shift key. This keeps the rows in a straight line.
Here is my layout where I used some of the faux stitching to accent my layout. I love this product and plan on making quite a few more designs to customize my layouts.
and a close-up of a few of therubons:
credits: digital stiching - Jackie Eckles www.designerdigitals .com. Jackie is no longer designing for Designer Digitals so I'm not sure if the same stitches are available but some very similar that she designed are now available at www.littledreamerdesigns under 'quirky stitches'.
WOW! I can only thing this is a cool product! Especially with elements you can print on the paper. LOVE your examples and tips.
Love how you used the product Nicole! Those stitches look amazing! Thanks for the detailed info...
Totally cool. I had picked up a package of these a few months ago, but hadn't used them...thanks for the shove!!! Great example!!
this is so cool
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